Friday, November 4, 2011


when the idea popped in my head last Christmas and played the whole story in my least what I wanted to explore, share with the audience...the journey I wanted to make...I was told that scripts are not written in a month...I work 24/7, I get I thought in my little head that we will make it happen in time zero...what happened four month later was, I completely lost perception of what was in the script and what was in my head...and a brilliant director came out of nowhere to advise me to close Final Draft and let it rest for a couple of months, forget all about I did, got caught up with life, even lost interest on it...when we re-opened Olufemi a few month ago, supposedly to polish it...speechless...Olufemi got a life of her own, she took the direction she was meant to...very different script than the first drafts...But she's alive, she's universal and everyone can connect with underneath our half a million$ costumes, the music and vividness of the 20s...the haunting images...there's a story...a journey...a truth...and I have to acknowledge that this would have never happened without the help of so many people, who asked questions, who helped me clarify what I want and where I am going...I am not your average person and I embrace it, is either you'll appreciate me or try and put me down...But I am at a place in my life that I know where I am going and I know what makes me good at what I do and now when I look back I understand, I get it...I have an amazing team of brilliant people, that I like to call family, people who don't treat it as a job...who live to make journeys...who want what I want...